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Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships Working together for children, adults & communities
image of an additional needs a dult with her dog and a carer

Welcome to our Safeguarding Adults pages

If you are worried about an adult who you think is being abused or neglected

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Safeguarding Adult Reviews

A Safeguarding Adult Review takes place following the death or serious injury of an adult as a result of harm, abuse or neglect. The review looks at whether partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult.

Under the Care and Support Guidance (Department of Health, Care & Support Statutory Guidance, issued under the Care Act 2014), a Safeguarding Adults Board must conduct a review. The board will decide what review process will promote effective learning and improvement to prevent future deaths or serious harm occurring again.

Overview reports are published for a period of 12 months. Requests for reports that are "no longer published" should be requested from us by email or in writing.

Learning briefs will remain published to support improvements in practice.

Adult V Overview Report 04/04/2023

Adult V Learning Brief 04/04/2023

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image of gears with the text Policy and Procedure written out

Safeguarding Adults Key Guidance and Legislation

Care Act 2014

Care and support statutory guidance

Mental Capacity Act 2005
