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Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships Working together for children, adults & communities
image of an additional needs a dult with her dog and a carer

Welcome to our Safeguarding Adults pages

If you are worried about an adult who you think is being abused or neglected

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Responding to Safeguarding Concerns

The pan-Lancashire Safeguarding Adults multi-agency policy is the overarching policy agreed and put in place by the three Safeguarding Adult Boards across Blackpool, Blackburn with Darwen and Lancashire in order to achieve consistency across the region in the way in which adults are safeguarded from neglect or abuse. All organisations involved in safeguarding are asked to adopt this policy in respect of their relevant roles and functions but may wish to add local policy, practice guidance, procedures and organisation operation manuals.

Local placed based safeguarding partnerships, and individual safeguarding partner organisations, have policy and procedures specific to local delivery and need which should be considered alongside this document.

Adult Social Care Guidance for responding to Safeguarding Concerns is Blackpool Adult Social Care's process and pathway for how safeguarding is managed locally within the Blackpool area.

This guidance sets out the adult social care response to safeguarding concerns, describing the process of what happens when a concern is received and the actions taken, and describes the process of safeguarding lead and making enquires.  The guidance includes the newly updated Safeguarding Threshold Matrix and a range of supporting appendices which will support practitioners in responding to specific safeguarding needs.

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image of gears with the text Policy and Procedure written out

Safeguarding Adults Key Guidance and Legislation

Care Act 2014

Care and support statutory guidance

Mental Capacity Act 2005
