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Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships Working together for children, adults & communities

Quality Assurance and Audit

The Blackpool Safeguarding Partnership Quality Assurance, Learning and Improvement Framework (QALIF) demonstrates the approach to evaluating the effectiveness of how all agencies are safeguarding Blackpool’s children, adults, and communities. It sets out how learning is identified, disseminated and implemented across partnership agency’s culture, leadership and frontline practice and how our partnership reflects on the impact this has on children, adult and communities outcomes.

Click here to access the Quality Assurance, Learning and Improvement Framework (QALIF) in full.

Quality Assurance, Learning and Improvement Cycle

The Partnerships are committed to a continuous transparent learning culture and will implement a cyclical approach to learning and improvement through audit, reflection and review to understand needs and priorities, identify and embed learning, gather feedback from individuals and the workforce that learning has informed changes to practice, and ensure that outcomes are identified and impact of learning is measured effectively.

Learning & Improvement Cycle

Sources of Learning and Workforce Development

We will use various sources of learning to quality assure and analyse practice across the partnerships, as set out in the diagram below. The QALIF describes the approaches we will take, and the Learning Resources and Training sections of this website will be key sources for the dissemination of learning.

Sources of learning and WFD

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