Welcome to Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships' Multi Agency Training and Workforce Development Offer
Blackpool supports a culture of continuous multi-agency learning and improvement by providing a wide range of opportunities for agencies to come together and reflect, to improve quality of safeguarding services and ‘learn together’ from experiences, to support the delivery of better outcomes for adults, children, young people and families.
The Workforce Development Strategic Delivery Group provides a strategic overview of training and all workforce development activity relating to all aspects of safeguarding on behalf of Blackpool Safeguarding Adults Board, Blackpool Safeguarding Children Multi-agency Safeguarding Arrangements and Blackpool Community Safety Partnership. Courses will be varied to support key priorities and learning from recent reviews.
All training will be delivered against the following levels, with staff group examples given to allow agencies to identify which course is relevant to attend.
- Level 1 Basic Awareness - healthcare receptionists, volunteers, carers, taxi drivers, maintenance workers, sports coaches, police staff.
- Level 2 Intermediate - youth workers, teachers, social workers, healthcare workers, care home workers, housing officers, paramedics.
- Level 3 Advanced - designated safeguarding leads and officers, GPs, mental health workers, school staff, police officers, social workers, early help workers, health visitors.
- Level 4 Specialist - managers, supervisors and strategic leads, partnership members and staff requiring specialist knowledge to provide key support for children or vulnerable adults at risk.