Domestic Homicide Reviews
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) enable lessons to be learned from homicides where a person is killed as a result of domestic violence and abuse. The reviews are statutory under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004.
Under Section 9(1) of the above act, a DHR must be undertaken, with a view to identifying lessons to be learnt, following the death of a person aged 16 or over which has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by:
- a person to whom they were related or with whom they had been in an intimate personal relationship*, or
- a member of the same household as themselves,
* ‘intimate personal relationship’ includes relationships between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexual orientation
When a referral for a DHR has been made, a Consideration Meeting will be convened, and the Home Office will be notified of the decision to undertake, or not undertake, a review.
At the time of writing, new guidance is being developed which will see DHRs replaced with Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews, following calls to better recognise deaths from domestic abuse related suicide.
Community Safety Partnerships are responsible for agreeing the content of DHR Overview reports and action plans, and submitting this to the Home Office. DHR learning is reported to the BSafe Community Safety Partnership Board, and shared with the Domestic Abuse Board and the Lancashire Community Safety Partnership (14 Districts). When appropriate, learning is also shared with the Blackpool Safeguarding Adult Board (BSAB); Blackpool Safeguarding Children: Multi-agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA); and other relevant partners.