Making Safeguarding Personal
Making safeguarding personal (MSP) means all safeguarding work should be person-led and outcome-focused. It engages the person in a conversation about how best to respond to their safeguarding situation in a way that enhances involvement, choice and control as well as improving quality of life, wellbeing and safety.
In simpler terms, MSP means listening and putting the person at the centre of the enquiry, investigation or process.
More specifically, MSP is an initiative which aims to develop a person-centred and outcomes focus to safeguarding work by supporting people to improve or resolve their circumstances. It is applicable to all agencies working with adults in relation to safeguarding, including those at the initial stages of a safeguarding concern being identified.
In 2024, the Blackpool Safeguarding Adult Board established a Making Safeguarding Personal and Assurance Strategic Delivery Group. It's function is to:
- Act on behalf of the Blackpool Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) to ensure a robust, transparent and consistent approach to MSP.
- Monitor the delivery of its statutory duties with regard to carrying out MSP in the applying person centred approaches.
- Improve the use across the partnership of qualitative information on people’s experience of the safeguarding system.
- Ensure MSP is meaningfully implemented and embedded in practice by all partners, and that its effectiveness is measured to give confidence.